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Acer ginnala ‘Flame’

Flame Maple

One of the hardiest trees available. Specimens are very interesting in form because of their spreading branch pattern. Flame is a seed source selection chosen for improved form and consistent fall colour...


Acer platanoides ‘Crimson Sentry’

Crimson Sentry Norway Maple

Heavily-branched, upright tree that fits well into residential gardens or areas where a smaller tree is desired. The compact head displays deep-purple leaves that become maroon to reddish-bronze in fall...


Acer platanoides ‘Drummondii’

Silver Variegated Maple

Admired for its unusual variegated foliage, it has a striking, brilliant effect in a landscape. Individual branches may occasionally revert to green and must be pruned out...


Acer rubrum ‘Brandywine’

Brandywine Red Maple

A stunning seedless male tree with an oval habit, upright form makes it ideal for smaller home landscapes. Subtle red flowers cover the bare branches in spring, spectacular long lasting purplish-red fall colour...


Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr.’

Redpointe Maple

The refined form and foliage of the best Acer rubrum cultivars combine with the faster growth rate normally found in Acer x freemanii. Brilliant red fall colour plus upright, broadly pyramidal form...


Acer rubrum ‘Franksred’

Red Sunset® Maple

Showy clusters of red flowers along the branches in early spring.The lobed leaves turn an outstanding red in the fall. Furrowed silver bark and brick red branches..


Acer rubrum ‘Red Rocket’

Red Rocket Maple

Narrow and upright, this red maple appears to be as tight as Bowhall, but a little slower growing. From a Minnesota seed source, it is one of the most cold hardy cultivars. Fall colour is very bright, orange red to red...


Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong’

Armstrong Gold Maple

Fast growing columnar selection. It produces a very tall, narrow tree with ascending branches. It is widely used for street planting where space demands a tree which will not spread...


Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’

Bowhall Maple

A tightly formed, sturdy, narrow tree excellent for street plantings. It stays smaller than Armstrong and has better foliage colour in both summer and fall...


Acer rubrum ‘JFS-KW78’

Armstrong Gold Maple

Selected from seedlings of Armstrong, this cultivar improves greatly on the parent, with brighter foliage colour, greater foliage density and compact, less leggy growth habit...
