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Hybrid Tea Rose

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Rosa ‘Canada Blooms’

Canada Blooms

Grown under the same Canadian Rose Breeding Program that developed the genetics for Emily Carr, Félix LeClerc, Bill Reid, and Campfire rose. Hardy, disease resistant, and boasts a beautiful fragrance...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘City of Welland’

City of Welland

Uniquely coloured light apricot blooms are held atop long stems. Hardy, upright shrub with deep glossy green foliage. An excellent cut flower. Fine for mass plantings or as a hedge...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘Golden Scepter’

Golden Scepter

Perhaps the most beautiful golden-amber colour ever! Perfect buds open into beautiful blooms against a backdrop of rich green leathery foliage...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘Harmisty’

Chandos Beauty Harkness Masterpiece Collection®

The Chandos Beauty Rose stands as a well-deserved favourite among rose enthusiasts. Its large and exquisitely shaped flowers showcase a harmonious blend of light amber gold and cream, occasionally adorned with delicate pink flushes. However, its true allure lies in its remarkably strong and sweet rose fragrance, satisfying the desires of even the most discerning noses. The robust plant features prominent dark green leaves, exhibiting excellent disease resistance. Whether used in beds, borders, or hedges, this rose adds elegance and charm to any setting. Additionally, its blooms make an excellent choice for perfuming a room when used as cut flowers. Experience the irresistible beauty and captivating scent of the Chandos Beauty Rose, a true gem in the world of roses...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘KORpenparo’ PP21471

Eleganza® La Perla™ Rose

Beautiful cream coloured, ball formed flowers with pink centres. Nostalgic character, good resistance to diseases. Black spot and mildew resistant...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘M.S. Hershey’

M.S. Hershey™

This rich, red Hybrid-Tea rose was introduced at the Hershey Rose Garden in 1941, now called Hershey Gardens. This excellent bloomer quickly repeats its blooms throughout the season...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘Mister Lincoln’

Mister Lincoln

Large pointed and well-shaped buds, and large velvety- red double blooms make this rose truly historic. Powerful Damask Rose fragrance and vigorous, upright habit...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘Oklahoma’


A sister to Mr. Lincoln, Oklahoma bears the same delicious scent, but with graceful blooms which are a black velvet red. The large, fully double flowers are excellent for cutting...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘Pink Promise’

Pink Promise™

High centered bud, long stems perfect for cutting, a very soft shade of pale pink and sweet fragrance. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation®...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘Sugar Moon’

Sugar Moon™

Big pointed buds spiral open to show off broad petals of the purest white you can imagine. Black-green leaves make the pure white posies pop all the more. Good rebloom, natural vigor & long stems...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘WEKmostadabre’

Painted Porcelain™

Elegant blooms evoke hand-painted porcelain Add a dash of sophistication and a blush of colour to your cottage garden, rose bed or flower border with this elegant variety from celebrated breeder Christian Bédard. Its lovely buds unfurl to release classically shaped, 3½–4" blooms with 25 to 30 petals apiece and enough sweet fragrance to attract butterflies and other pollinators. Each flower has a butter-yellow centre, a white base and light pink outer petals, giving it the look of delicate, hand-painted porcelain. This is an upright, moderately spreading rose with attractive, dark green foliage. Offers good resistance to powdery mildew and rust fungus...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘WEKmotonton’

Make Me Blush™

You'll blush with pride when this easy-to-grow tea rose opens in mid-summer. Make Me Blush™ features large, true tea flowers that open 4 to 5 inches across, exuding a moderately fruity fragrance from clean, light-yellow blossoms blushed in cameo pink. From the lovely pointed buds in the early season to the large, recurring blooms all summer, you'll find Make Me Blush has shapely flowers at every stage. Stately plants grow to a mature height of up to five feet and are very vigorous. Hardy down to zone 5 and extremely resistant to mildew, rust, and rot...

Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa ‘WEKnewibpusbi’

Perfume Factory™

Perfect name for one of the most fragrant roses introduced in recent years! Just like the name implies, this baby really pumps out the perfume. The blooms are a novel colour for a hybrid tea - a lovely shade of purple lavender that lightens toward the petal edges, yet holds strong until the end of the line. Presented one to a stem, the flowers are perfect for cutting so you can add a splash of fragrance wherever you desire. Upright, bushy plants have glorious, green foliage with built-in disease resistance that shrugs off powdery mildew and rust with ease...

Hybrid Tea Rose