Hosta ‘Patriot’
Patriot Hosta
Ovate leaves have dark green centers and outstanding, crisp white, streaked margins. Lavender flowers appear on 30” scapes...
Ovate leaves have dark green centers and outstanding, crisp white, streaked margins. Lavender flowers appear on 30” scapes...
The leaves emerge frosty blue with a bright yellow margin that lightens to creamy white during the summer. Light lavender flowers in mid to late summer...
A giant, solid gold hosta. As the leaves mature, they become thick and puckered with wavy edges and have nearly white undersides...
Leaf centers emerge light green in the spring and become progressively more gold towards early summer. Pale lavender flowers appear on 30” scapes...
Leaves are frosty blue-green and pointed. Pale blue-violet flowers appear on 28” scapes. Attracts both hummingbirds and songbirds...
Use this large blue hosta to add colour to your shade garden! Attractive, heart-shaped, thick and heavily corrugated blue leaves have wavy margins. Pale lavender flowers...
This showy hosta forms a large mound of attractive tricolour leaves of heavy substance. The wide, bright blue margin, apple green jetting, and creamy white center will set this variety apart all season long...
This hosta forms a large mound of dark green leaves with a chartreuse to gold margin and a trace of white between the center and margin. Summer heat draws out the unique coloration. Near-white flowers...
Like the popular ‘Empress Wu’, but with an attractive margin! Blue-green leaves have striking apple-green margins. Give the plant about 5 years to reach full maturity. Violet flowers...
Dramatic heart-shaped, blue-green leaves edged in chartreuse that will gradually soften to creamy white. In midsummer, pale lavender flowers rise from the impressive foliage clump...
Fresh blue-green, heart-shaped leaves throughout the growing season, maintaining its attractive colour all season long. Produces showy stems of pale lavender-blue, lightly scented flowers...
Bright golden leaves with wide, deep green margins and prominent veining provide the appearance of stained glass. Large, fragrant, pale lavender flowers complement the dramatic foliage...
Broad blue-green leaves with a creamy edge create a large mound of attractive, lush foliage. Slender spikes of lavender flowers appear in summer...