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Bloomin' Easy

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Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Hokomagrito’

Grin and Tonic™ Hydrangea

Elegant yet strong–you’ll want to sip on this beauty all season long! Reminiscent of a favourite summertime drink, this Hydrangea is bright and lively. The blooms emerge lime green and age to a refreshing bright white - a thirst-quenching contrast...

Bloomin' Easy

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Kolmavesu’

Flare™ Hydrangea

One glance at the fiery red blooms and there’s no turning back. Just like the flame of a smoldering fire, it will attract stares from guests to your outdoor space. Low maintenance...

Bloomin' Easy

Hydrangea paniculata ‘HYLV17522’

Dragon Baby™ Hydrangea

Precious and powerful like a baby dragon, this improved Hardy Hydrangea delivers extraordinary flower power in a petite form for modern outdoor spaces. Blooms start cream and lime before igniting to a rich pink as summer fades to fall...

Bloomin' Easy

Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Bocotoso’

Toy Soldier™ Oakleaf Hydrangea

White and green flowers sit atop sturdy stems each summer and fall with foliage that changes to a rich vermillion red in autumn. This improved native hydrangea stands as strong as a toy soldier...

Bloomin' Easy

Physocarpus opulifolius ‘N5’

Panther® Ninebark

Sleek black foliage and stems, the ultimate contrast option for your outdoor space. Its smaller size and durability make it a unique, easy to grow selection for modern landscapes...

Bloomin' Easy

Spiraea japonica ‘Matgold’

Rainbow Fizz™ Spirea

Foliage emerges copper, changes to yellow with red tips in spring, and then finishes with copper-red in fall. Candy-like flower buds start red and finish with a whimsical pink bloom...

Bloomin' Easy

Symphoricarpos doorenbosii ‘Kolmapinpos’

Pink Posy™ Snowberry

After spring garden bloomers finish their show, Pink Posy™ Snowberry steals the show with an explosion of rich candy-pink berries. Compact, tidy and cold hardy, this new addition to the Bloomin’ Easy® family is perfect for decorative patio containers, hedges, mixed garden beds, and walkways...

Bloomin' Easy

Weigela ‘WoF/R’

Strobe™ Weigela

Flashy foliage colours all season long! Bright pink flowers against green and bronze - then orange - then crimson red foliage. A hummingbird magnet!..

Bloomin' Easy

Weigela x ‘Slingco 1’

Bloomin’ Easy® Crimson Kisses™ Weigela

This reblooming beauty will make you feel loved all summer long, with its extended flowering time. Features an abundance of bright red bell-shaped flowers with a compact form...

Bloomin' Easy

Weigela x ‘Velda’

Bloomin’ Easy® Tuxedo™ Weigela

Add a touch of classy elegance to your garden. True white bell shaped flowers are a striking contrast against the dark foliage...

Bloomin' Easy

Weigela x ‘Slingco 2’

Bloomin’ Easy® Maroon Swoon™ Weigela

One look at the extravagant deep red blooms will make your heart beat a little faster. Abundant rich red blooms on deep green foliage that contrasts for a stunning effect...

Bloomin' Easy